What to Expect During and After Dental Surgery in Hervey Bay

Dental surgery is not what most expect to get in their life, and it comes with a lot of anxiety. However, understanding what to expect during and after the procedure can help ease your anxiety and make the process smooth for you. In this article, we will learn about what you should expect during and after the surgery procedure. Also, we will explore common dental surgeries that are performed in Hervey Bay.

During the surgery

Before the surgery begins, the dentist will start by explaining the entire procedure to you, explaining your condition and what needs to be done to correct the issue. When you are comfortable with the procedure, the dentist will then inject you with anaesthesia on the affected area to make it numb, especially on the gums. For complex surgeries, you will be sedated. All this is meant to make your stay comfortable and pain-free during the operation.

The actual procedure will vary depending on the type of dental surgery that you are undergoing. For example, if it is a tooth extraction, then the dentist will carefully remove the tooth from its socket using the right tools. For dental implants, your dentist will carefully insert small titanium posts into the jawbone with the help of specialised tools.

The duration of the surgery will vary depending on the nature of the surgery that you are undergoing. Some will take a few minutes to complete, while others will last longer. The dentist and their helpers will monitor you closely to ensure that you are comfortable and everything goes as planned.

After the surgery

After the surgery, you will then be taken to a recovery area where you can relax and regain your strength, especially if you were sedated. The dentist will then give you instructions on how to care for your mouth until when you heal. They can also prescribe some medication to help you manage any discomfort that may arise.

You should not be worried if you spot some swelling on your cheeks. The medicine prescription from the dentist can help to alleviate the swelling. Alternatively, you can apply ice packs to the area. You should stick to soft foods until you feel comfortable to continue with hard and spicy food.

you will then get a scheduled appointment with your dentist to make a follow-up on your progress and recovery. Such appointments are crucial as the dentist will know how to deal with any concerns that may arise during your healing.

Common dental surgeries performed in Hervey Bay

Tooth extractions:

Most people undergo tooth extraction to remove damaged and decayed teeth. The process is relatively quick and can be accomplished with the help of local anaesthesia.

Root canals:

Is a procedure done to save a tooth with an infected pulp. Here, the dentist removes the infected tissue, thoroughly cleans the areas and fills it with special material. It is done to prevent tooth loss.

Gum grafting:

It is done to treat gum recession, a very serious dental condition. Here, tissue is taken from another path of the mouth and placed over the exposed roots. The procedure aims at restoring gum health and protecting the teeth.

You need to understand what to expect during and after dental surgery to help prepare and ease your anxiety as you get the procedure. Some common dental surgeries that are done in Hervey Bay include tooth extraction, root canals and gum grafting. We have more information available at https://auradental.com.au/.

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